Category: College Planning

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College Savings Strategies for H-1B Visa Holders

The current school of thought is that 529 savings accounts are the best way to save for college. But if you are on an H-1B visa, and your kids are foreign-born without social security numbers yet, this might not be the best option for you.

Read the post for more savings options if you find yourself in this situation.

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Maximizing Brokerage Accounts for Foreign-Born Families

In this post, I discuss why a taxable brokerage account should be a part of your investment/saving strategy. By the end of the post, you’ll know the answer to questions like – what is it, what are some of the benefits of the account, things to watch out for with the account. Finally I discuss the special use case for foreign-born nationals.

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A New Method for Choosing the Right College

College tuition is going up, Student debt continues to increase, this is not sustainable without a major policy shift. One way to combat this, is to rethink our approach and have a major mental shift in how select the colleges our students attend.

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