Category: Financial Literacy

How to Build US Credit from Zero

How To Build US Credit From Zero

How to build US credit from zero when new in the – In this post, I break down what US credit score is, what it’s used for and how to start building it with zero credit history. This is addressed to those brand new immigrants, but applies to anybody that’s looking to start building their credit history.

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money lessons from my mother

You Know What My Mother Taught Me About Money?

My mother grew up in a very male-dominated society, where girls had to do extra to make it. She wanted her girls to have a better shot at this thing called life than she did. To accomplish this she embarked on a lot of life lessons, especially on money matters.

In this post, I discuss the three money lessons she taught us, in honor of Mother’s Day.

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Teaching Kids About Money – The Cost Sharing Plan

April is financial literacy month – it’s a great time to teach kids how money works. One method is to use the “cost sharing plan”.

This is how my parents used the plan with us, and considering that I’m using it with my kids today, I have to admit it worked!

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