Category: Tax Planning

FIRE_Skip Tax Compliance Issues

Mastering FIRE Tax Strategies on a Work Visa

Part of being able to successfully implement the FIRE strategy on a work visa is saving or minimizing on taxes.

Having to pay tax penalties because of tax-compliance issues goes against that. In this post, I discuss ways to be tax-compliant with overseas assets and avoid having to pay tax penalties.

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Investing on a work visa

Can I Invest In The US Market While On A Work Visa? Our Smart Investing Strategies

One of the questions I get all the time is how to invest in the US stock market using special accounts like Roth IRAs, HSAs, 401ks, 529, etc. on an H-1B or other work visa (L-1, O-1, H1B1, TN, and E3)

This is keeping in mind that work visas are by nature temporary non-immigrant visas and technically the holder is expected to depart the US after the work assignment.

The post is a summary of a more in-depth technical, nerdy paper written for advisors on the Nerds Eye View Blog by Michael Kitces.

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Top Roth IRA Mistakes To Avoid

Avoiding Critical Roth IRA Mistakes: Expert Guide

Everybody is keen to have a Roth IRA account, but messing up with the rules can be very costly.

You still have time to make a ROTH contribution for 2022. But please, don’t make the following mistakes as you make the contributions.

If on a work visa, please pay special attention to the last point.

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How to file taxes first year as an immigrant_Blog

First-Year Tax Filing for New Immigrants

Filing taxes the first year in the US as an immigrant or as a non-US citizen is not for the faint of heart. You need to figure out your filing status, in addition to understanding different concepts in the tax code. This post discusses what you need to keep in mind as you go through the process.

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