Tag: O-1

Investing on a work visa

If On A Work Visa, Should I Invest In 401k And Other Special Accounts?

One of the questions I get all the time is how to invest in the US stock market using special accounts like Roth IRAs, HSAs, 401ks, 529, etc. on an H-1B or other work visa (L-1, O-1, H1B1, TN, and E3)

This is keeping in mind that work visas are by nature temporary non-immigrant visas and technically the holder is expected to depart the US after the work assignment.

The post is a summary of a more in-depth technical, nerdy paper written for advisors on the Nerds Eye View Blog by Michael Kitces.

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Work Visa? How To Prepare For A Possible Layoff

Good financial planning will ensure you are well-prepared for when bad things happen.

If you are on a work visa, and you get laid off – you have 60 days to find another job or leave the country. In this post, I provide a list of things you can do ahead of time to avoid having to scramble last minute if laid off.

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